Phone: +65 9875 0024



This year, SeaKeepers is celebrating 25 years of ocean conservation and exploration!

SeaKeepers has been a driving force in safeguarding our seas and promoting marine research for a quarter of a century. From groundbreaking expeditions to impactful initiatives, we’ve made waves in protecting marine ecosystems and fostering sustainability.

By directly involving the yachting community with marine conservation, we have been able to expand our understanding and appreciation for our oceans, assisting in marine research, educating our community, and taking action to protect and restore our marine world.


Attention all nature lovers! We are excited to announce the launch of our #BringOurTurtlesBack campaign for 2023.

We invite you to join us in this meaningful cause, by spreading the word and supporting our efforts. Let's work together to create a better future for our sea turtles.

Volunteer for The International SeaKeepers Society

Life is tough, as a volunteer for The International SeaKeepers Society

Did you know the NEMO series can be launched from a purpose-built container?

We can supply a bespoke solution to support the launch and recovery of your NEMO by using a specially-designed storage container fitted with an overhead crane system.